Come join us to make a difference with the Aaron Opoku Foundation

We established the Aaron Opoku Foundation in loving memory of Aaron E. K. Opoku and to fulfil his vision for young people.

In November 2022, our dear son and brother Aaron suffered a spontaneous subarachnoid brain haemorrhage and died suddenly. Our faith in Christ has kept us going each day during these difficult, challenging and sad times – particularly as this happened unexpectedly. Our lives will never be the same.

However, for the legacy of our Aaron, we will faithfully walk through this journey that God has placed us on.

Aaron was such a happy, loving and peaceful person, always willing to help others. Despite being a busy young man, he made time to constantly check on his friends and our families and with their best interests at heart. He was so kind and gentle, always smiling and carrying the presence of peace wherever he went and in all he did.

“Happy, smiling, always content,

Loved and respected wherever he went,

Always so thoughtful, loving and kind,

A beautiful memory he has left behind.”

By Succour Youth (Aaron’s cousins & family friends)

One of Aaron’s goals was to “Inspire the Younger Generations” to seize the future and take advantage of their opportunities. Like many of us, he understood that not everyone has the same opportunities. Some of us need mentors to help and direct us in achieving our goals in life.

He had planned to set up a career mentorship programme to support and inspire young people to find hope for their future through perseverance and character building. This was birthed through Aaron’s favourite Bible verses in Romans 5 v 3–5 (NIV)1

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Our aim at the Aaron Opoku Foundation is to provide a mentorship programme to fulfil Aaron’s vision with the help of the Almighty Jesus Christ. And to inspire as many of the younger generations as possible to achieve their career aspirations, regardless of their faith, religion or background.


At the Aaron Opoku Foundation, our vision is to inspire the younger generations to believe in themselves, supporting and mentoring them to pursue their dreams by making the right career choice and aim for excellence.


To encourage young people in their career aspirations through mentorship and community engagement.

We believe in every young person's potential to make a significant life impact and are committed to help them succeed.

Our Values

Our values are based on Aaron’s character:

• to positively impact those around us

• to be genuinely kind and care for one another

• to show love and to extend peace and happiness.

Who We Are

We, the founders of the Aaron Opoku Foundation, are Andrew, Vivienne and Jeremy Opoku, supported by our families and friends.

We are dedicated to providing a valuable mentorship programme working alongside a team of experienced mentors to support and guide mentees, and fulfil Aaron’s vision and legacy to “Inspire the Younger Generations”.